Thursday, February 20, 2014

Learning to be Thankful:)

I have been blessed with a lot of good things. Its just that most of the time I lose sight of it. So just to remind myself for all the blessings God has showered on me, I thought I'd make a list. I know that this is not an exhaustive one, but I am hoping that by the time I finish writing this post I will have many reasons to be joyful :)

1.Salvation-That my sins are forgiven and I know Christ as my Saviour and Lord

2.My sister-Praising God for our friendship :)

3.The church- The fellowship with one another

4. Friends- For good times

5. A job-Ability to earn and serve others

6. Trials-Helps to grow in maturity

7. Home-A roof over my head

8. Faithful teachers of God's word

9. Biblical Christian Songs

10.Life- A gift from God

1 comment:

Naiesha said...

So true! There is so much to thank the Lord for. No wonder the song says, 'Count your blessings, name them one by one....and you WILL be surprised to SEE what God has done!" :)