Thursday, February 5, 2009

Year 2009

I felt 2008 went by too fast... when i look back so many months were just a blur...all in all it was a good year with a lot of lessons learnt...there were many highlights.. one being that i turned 25 and had a blast on my birthday.... i got my second job after 6 months of searching... made many new friends at work and as i work in a college its fun to interact with the students...developed an interest in Photography and planning to pursue this hobby. I completed working for a yr in the month of Jan 09. Never thought i wud last in my current job this long. Was tempted to leave many times, m glad i stuck on though. In this recession i doubt gettin a job elsewhere...Anyways hopin to be more disciplined here in my lifestlye and also maintaining my blog.. hee hee..hope i dont break these resolutions:)