Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Fighting Till The End

Soldiers of Operation Red Wings
I love War movies. I know a lot of people like war movies for the act of heroism. I like them for a different reason. Apart from all the pain, agony, tears, wounds there is something more you can take back from them. One thing that amazes me is the endurance to fight till the end. The warriors or soldiers will be wounded in ways that we can’t even begin to imagine-yet they fight-till they have their breath.

Some of my favourite movies are Lord of The Rings, Harry Potter ( the last one) and one that I saw yesterday- The Lone Survivor.  I would suggest that those with a weak stomach should avoid watching this one as the scenes are quite graphic.

I was a little low key this weekend, and usually at times like these I pick movies that are upbeat  or joyful. But for some weird reason I picked the Lone Surivivor. Those who have not seen the movie, it is about a group of soldiers put on an operation called ‘Red Wings’ all of them die except one. As I watched the movie, I just realised that whatever I was upset about seemed so small to what those soldiers were going through. I am not saying that the trials each one of us go through are insignificant.  But in light of things that are greater, it does seem small.

Something that I took back from this movie was to continue faithfully to the end. Being a soldier is no joke. You got to count the cost before you enrol. It’s the same way for a Christian. You have to count the cost when you decide to follow Jesus. No one said it’s going to be smooth sailing.

Will end the post with a verse from the hymn, ‘Stand Up Stand Up for Jesus. Hope we as Christians continue to fight the battle till the end :)

Stand up, stand up for Jesus, each soldier to his post,
Close up the broken column, and shout through all the host:
Make good the loss so heavy, in those that still remain,
And prove to all around you that death itself is gain.

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