Sunday, August 18, 2013

Awake 2013- The conference

The past couple of weekends were a blur... My friend Marshall had come down to Pune for the first time. It was fun to have him here and attend the conference together. Awake 2013 (the conference) was the first Christian youth conference in Pune. The response was good so we might probably have another one next year:)

It was good to meet young Christians from different parts of the country. My sister and I stayed at the conference center  It worked out well as we could spend quality time with the new friends we made :) Even though we all were from different cities, states and even countries, there was one thing that bound us together..and that was Christ. I realized the true meaning of family when we all sang out loud together during the worship sessions. It was such a blessing... the sessions, songs and the late night chats too ;)

Hoping that I would be able to attend the conference next year as well:)

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