Saturday, September 3, 2011


ABC * company the name itself drew me closer to work for them. I remember walking by the office building years ago and thinking, “Oh how I wish I could get a job here”. Well my wish was granted in the August of 2010.I was super excited for working in an “IT” company; the professionalism, the style, the whole work culture. I was looking forward to start my new journey. However something that I did not see coming into my very near future would be me quitting ABC in 2 months.

From my 3 and a half years of work experience something that I can say very confidently is that many a times we really don’t know what we want. Or if I were to put it in a better way , “We really don’t know what is good for us.”

 I felt like a total misfit when I started my career at MIT Design College. I clearly remember the first day at MIT Design where the whole creative world just blew me away. Each person was different; be it their hair, the style of dressing or the language. I thought in my mind I don’t think I will survive in this place for more than a month. Fast forward to 2 years later and I am still working there, enjoying every moment and very well adapting to the culture that seemed very alien to me on the first day.

Now I look back and wonder as to what went wrong with the other job. It was my dream job; to be working with professionals where things are done in said manner, every cubicle looks exactly the same, giving it the uber professional look. The first few days I felt great, everyone is formal and totally into their work. I was amazed at to how a lot of work could be accomplished by e-mail. A few weeks down the lane, all that seemed so glamorous initially, started fading away. I desired to have conversations with people which never happened as everyone is super busy. My work kinda started taking over me and I would not even realize when my day had come to an end.

I had to sit down and think, “Is this what I really wanted? Do I see myself at this job with these kind of people for the next few years???” The answer was a BIG NO. Even though at the Design College the crowd was crazy and the walls were painted in different colours, I loved it. I could connect to all of it at some level.

Anyways this whole journey was a good revelation for me to know for myself what I really desired. I don’t regret quitting that fancy job at the IT company. I was just glad that I did not have to be at a place that I did not like .

*ABC-Cannot use the original name if the company.

1 comment:

Naiesha said...

Thanks for sharing! I am sorry you had to learn the hard truth in such a difficult way! But as they rightly say, "Experience is the hardest teacher!"