Monday, February 16, 2015

I realised I like my routines

Growing up I always liked change. There would be that excitement of something new. Lately I realized I ain't such a big fan of it. In the past two years I don't remember having  any two months that looked similar.

According to my normal schedule I would not be writing a post on a Monday night. I would just be back from my swim lesson and having a cup of hot tea. Only if things were to go according to our plans. I ended up with the flu- on Valentines day :( Not that I had anyone special to go out with, but had to cancel lunch plans with friends. Was hoping to be at work today after the 2 day rest, but I am still sick and probably heading to a chest congestion.

It looks like another day in bed tomorrow or in bed with my work laptop trying to finish up on stuff. Really hoping to get back to my workouts, work and some normal routine. Till then I shall get back to my faithful companions- books, hot water and lots and lots of tissue :P

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