Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Simple Pleasures of Life

In my last post I mentioned about my plans not going how I wanted it to go..But I am glad that it did not...Today was a very simple day, where I just rested, read a book and went out in the evening... Nothing great to what I had planned for this week..But when I was having super crazy busy days, all I desired was a quiet time. It was nice just to walk on the streets of Pune and eat roasted groundnuts on a cold evening. Let me not take these things for granted.Very soon I will be back in the whirlwind of work and exhaustion. So I should take these simple, not so extravagant  days as a blessing from God. As He knows what is good for me.

1 comment:

Naiesha said...

The 'roasted groundnuts' were the best! Better than the 'chicken momos'!!! ;)