Its funny when u think that a lot of important issues can come out of things we never expect…the reason m sayin this is coz I had gone for a movie (Iron Man) this weekend.. all of u who have watched this movie will definitely be in awe of the technology that is used…loved the scene when he puts on the suit for the first time…I still cant get it out of my head.. but sumthin else stayed in my mind for a long time.. Tony Stark(Robert Downey Jr) was such an intelligent man who had all the wealth in the world, who won countless number of awards, and could have any girl he wanted… but was never grateful about it..it took a big incident like him being kidnapped and to be thrown in a cave for three months, barely surviving, to realize that life is a blessing from God… he did not know for himself how brilliant he was, coz that was the only thing that saved him from his enemies.. sometimes only incidents like this can bring back perspective in our life.. I just hope I am not ungrateful to the people around me, my family, friends, my job… knowin that all this is a blessing from God..
Mmmm...some meaty stuff written....I agree with u on this.....won't add much to it, but I loved the way u wrote this post, U sounded very convicted about this life...
On a second note, I remember reading what C.S.Lewis said that people are interesting so that should change the way we view people around us, rite??
oops! I mean *post* not *life*
definitely people around us r interesting..i guess many a tiems we take them for granted...this is one of the posts i enjoyed writing..
yup...I for one always have this reflection that many times we actually start appreciating about what we have, only when its gone... So trying to be grateful of smaller thing in life is difficult if your not aware of it. So we must try to simply evoke all our senses and take notice...
hmmm very true..i have always seen only when it is taken away from us we realize the importance of it..
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