Well this aint a question to all u readers...If u r into dance n have been watchin AXN lately there is a show by this name...and it has been one of my favourite shows for some time now... the participants really know how to shake a leg...when i watch them dance so gracefully and with such finesse it just gives me goose bumps...they perform from waltz to hip hop,Broadway, salsa, mambo and even quickstep...and mind you they have specialized in only one form of dance...so they actually learn quite a few dance styles on the show it self.. i really appreciate the dedication and love they have for dance which can be clearly be displayed on stage...My favourite contestant is Benji..he is a swing dancer by profession...this guy knows how to move man..last nite they(benji and his partner heidi) danced on mambo...oooh...they were good...i almost got up and started dancin myself...all in all i love this show:)
PS: This picture is of Benji and Heidi doin mambo from last nite's show...
Sheesh! You stole my thunder...I was gonna write on the same thing...anyways i am in total agreement on what u just wrote to the last jot!! I would do anything to have ONE DANCE with Benji!! He's the best of the best!!!! But still, you stole my idea...boohoo...lol :)
hee hee ha ha..i kinda knew u prob wud(telepathy) so i did it first:)
Hey...i am not much of a follower of the show...but watever i hav seen i distinctly remember watching Heidi move....ohhh....dat was awesum :-) dat woman can bounce like a ball...no great height but does she really know how to swirl...oooh....
oh ya heidi can really dance well..infact heidi and benji have a good energy level..so they compliment each other really well..
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