Sunday, August 25, 2013

I love surprises...and this one made my day :)

So the other day I come back to work after my 2 day training.. I was a little low as my good friend was gonna leave the country and my best friend at work had just gone on a vacation( and I could not meet her,on her  last day at work coz I was in training :(. I came back to my desk trying to work joyfully on a Friday afternoon...

After going through my 60 odd unread emails, the security guy comes  to handover the mail. My eyes then fell on one inter-office envelope, that had my friend's name in the sender..I was like hmmmm... So I open it thinking there might have been some confidential office document that she wanted to give me. I opened the bigger envelope and found another small envelope that had my name on it.

For the next 5 mins there was a big smile on my face, and I thanked the Lord for good friends. She had written a sweet good bye note :)

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