Sunday, August 25, 2013

I love surprises...and this one made my day :)

So the other day I come back to work after my 2 day training.. I was a little low as my good friend was gonna leave the country and my best friend at work had just gone on a vacation( and I could not meet her,on her  last day at work coz I was in training :(. I came back to my desk trying to work joyfully on a Friday afternoon...

After going through my 60 odd unread emails, the security guy comes  to handover the mail. My eyes then fell on one inter-office envelope, that had my friend's name in the sender..I was like hmmmm... So I open it thinking there might have been some confidential office document that she wanted to give me. I opened the bigger envelope and found another small envelope that had my name on it.

For the next 5 mins there was a big smile on my face, and I thanked the Lord for good friends. She had written a sweet good bye note :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

93 Million Miles

So even as we come to the weekend, I thought it would be good to end with some music:) 
Here is one, from my favorite singers-Jason Mraz :D 

I somehow though like the lyric version....

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Friendships :)

Some unexpected friendships turn out really well.. Met a good friend of mine today after almost 8 months.. I am glad we could catch  up..Finally got a pic of us together :P

Luis Chico-Photo credit Naiesha Kaunds

Awake 2013- The conference

The past couple of weekends were a blur... My friend Marshall had come down to Pune for the first time. It was fun to have him here and attend the conference together. Awake 2013 (the conference) was the first Christian youth conference in Pune. The response was good so we might probably have another one next year:)

It was good to meet young Christians from different parts of the country. My sister and I stayed at the conference center  It worked out well as we could spend quality time with the new friends we made :) Even though we all were from different cities, states and even countries, there was one thing that bound us together..and that was Christ. I realized the true meaning of family when we all sang out loud together during the worship sessions. It was such a blessing... the sessions, songs and the late night chats too ;)

Hoping that I would be able to attend the conference next year as well:)

Monday, August 12, 2013

Awake 2013

This last weekend was probably one of the best I have had in a long time.Attending the first Christian Youth Conference. Will write more about it in my next post...For now here are some clicks :) 
The theme

The worship Band...they were fantastic:)

Sammy on Day 1

Conference hall
The Worship Band

Conference Center-Photo credit Naiesha
Enjoying the walk:) Photo credit Naiesha
Loved the place..Photo credit Naiesha
Current book I am reading-Photo credit Naiesha

Celebrating Birthdays:)

Sunday Morning



So much fun hanging out:)

Selfie :P

Yeah..there are more pics like these:P

Love these gurls!!!-Photo credit Naiesha

Father and son:)

Saying thanks..The Indian way:)

New friends from Nasik:)

Sisters in glasses;)

Waiting for my turn for the bike ride:D

Boys and bikes;)

DJ Reed my group discussion leader:)-Photo credit Naiesha

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sing out to the Lord!!!

Every time I see people who love the Lord sing out to Him, I look  forward to being in heaven. A place where we will continue forever to sing and praise the only true God Jesus Christ!!!
 Hope you enjoy this video :)

Verse 1
Come praise and glorify our God
The Father of our Lord
In Christ He has in heav’nly realms
His blessings on us poured
For pure and blameless in His sight
He destined us to be
And now we’ve been adopted through
His Son eternally

To the praise of Your glory
To the praise of Your mercy and grace
To the praise of Your glory
You are the God who saves

Verse 2
Come praise and glorify our God
Who gives His grace in Christ
In Him our sins are washed away
Redeemed through sacrifice
In Him God has made known to us
The myst’ry of His will
That Christ should be the head of all
His purpose to fulfill

Verse 3
Come praise and glorify our God
For we’ve believed the Word
And through our faith we have a seal
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit guarantees our hope
Until redemption’s done
Until we join in endless praise
To God, the Three in One

Music by Bob Kauflin, words by Tim Chester
© 2011 Sovereign Grace Praise (BMI)

Monday, August 5, 2013

For All You Coffee Lovers!!!!!

I LOVE COFFEE..and this video reminded me as to why I do :)