Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Answered Prayer

Most of the time we get quite harrowed when we don’t get an answer to prayer. When we do, we are not so happy most of the time either. There was something on my heart for the past few months about a certain need/request that I laid before the Lord. Somewhere at the back of my mind I knew what the answer would be, but I still prayed about it. Not in arrogance, but as  child that goes to the Father just to make the request known.
I think the reason I prayed as long as I did, was because I always feared asking the Lord openly as to what is on my heart. If not anything, I  learnt  to persevere in prayer. I got my answer in much clarity and I praise God for doing so. But it was also sad at the same time, as I had hoped that things would go in a different direction. Yet in all this, I know my God is good, He is sovereign and things are going according to how He has planned. He knows the big picture which helps me to trust Him more. My knowledge of things going around me and in my life is puny.
I hope that in this time too, I will consciously bring to mind His past mercies and how He has always taken care of me. I think the struggle lies in constantly reminding myself this important  truth.

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