Saturday, December 21, 2013

Turning 30

Wow I never thought this day would come so soon. I officially am done with the twenties. I am happy and sad at the same time. But I guess it is normal to feel that way. The year that went by was unique in quite a few ways. Some of the highlights were:

Experienced that life is frail (during my first surgery)

Blessing of new friends (Nidhi, Tejal, Peter & Yagesh)

God’ protection over me

Experienced betrayal by someone I trusted the most

I am grateful to God for keeping me alive all these years and in faith for 13 years:D. He could have chosen to take my life a long time back. It’s only by His grace that I can go by everyday. I am thankful unto the Lord for saving me from my sins and giving me a new life. To know that when everything comes to an end, one day I will see Him face to face and glorify Him  for eternity :)


Naiesha said...

Happy Birthday! Trust me 30 is the new 20s...:D

Caroline Kaunds said...

hahahahahhah true :)