Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Growing up Sucks!!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Moments to remember..
1) This incident took place when I was in 5th standard ( if I remember correctly). We were havin r English grammar class…we were learnin about comparative n superlative degrees… r teacher asked us so what is the comparative n superlative degree for good… very pride fully and like a miss know it all I raised my hand up… there were few other girls too who had their hands up… as I get a lil too excited abt answerin questions I was almost jumpin off the seat… seeing my desire to answer she gave me the opportunity to do so…I cleared my throat n said a loud voice, “The answer is Good, Gooder Goodest”. I cant clearly remember if the whole class started laughin, but I was red in my face, n sat down quietly upon knowin that it wasn’t the right answer.
2) This second incident that I am about to mention I guess is a lot more embarrassing as the memory hasn’t faded as yet. This occurred in my second year of graduation (commerce)… we had this subject called Business Administration. We had a new, young professor, who insisted that the students need to dress up formally for his class.. so that meant the guys in their formal shirt n pants with a tie( no one was allowed without a tie) and the girls in their salwar kameez. As teenagers no one wants to come dressed like that… the reason m givin u details so that u can have a basic idea of the kind of professor he was..so we were pretty frustrated as he had a lot of rules and regulations in his class…one day as the class got over we all got up to say thank u( as he expected us to do so every single time)… so he got out of the class and only few students stood up n wished him… he wanted to instill a sense of discipline in us so he walked back in. as we were back in r seats, so v had to stand up again n wish him. This happened 2-3 times, which kinda got annoyin… I was thoroughly annoyed and I mumbled something to my friend… the professor obviously saw that n asked me, “ So caroline do u have sumthin to say?”, till date I cant believe the way I answered that question. I said, “Yes sir, can you please leave the class so that we all can sit down. We are really tired of sayin “thank u” over and over again”… my friend just looked at me in disbelief. I cud not believe I said that… and u know wat he did not say anything… he took it pretty well, smiled and walked out of the class… we had such a good laugh after he left…
3) My last embarrassing and probably the worst embarrassing moment was when I was workin in Endurance Fitness club. There used to be this guy(whose name I wont mention, as he is quite a famous personality in Pune) who would come to workout. He had this very annoyin habit of flirtin with the girls…one day he was talking to my colleague (or shud I say flirting with her), n I was just comin out of the ladies spa. His back was towards me so I took the liberty of makin funny faces or rather imitating him, without realizing that there was a mirror right in front of him. As soon as i realized the fact I ran back in the spa… I tried to avoid bumpin into him later, but it was difficult as I worked there.
So those were my top three embarrassing moments… I definitely have had more but i guess i will keep it down to 3..hope u guys have enjoyed readin it...Feel free to share yours, so that i can share a laugh too..
Monday, July 7, 2008
Fun Weekend!!

After that my sister and I went to Supriya for a well deserved breakfast… enjoyed the onion
Friday, July 4, 2008

Days have been goin nice.. u may ask why am I using the word nice…hmmmm I actually don’t know too… the place where I am currently employed, we are in the shifting process… we r gonna be in a new campus in another 20 days.. so right now the admin section is in the PG classroom.. and the funny part is I like it better than my previous place… I have a nice window seat and I get to talk to my colleagues a lot more than I used to .. so I guess that’s why I feel “Nice”… and u know wat it does make a lot of difference as to wat kind of people u r around…. Be in the company of nagging and ungrateful people, u kinda end up havin the same attitude…now m around people who r a lil chilled out about stuff and that’s good.. my regular headaches have stopped… n I seem to be in a lighter mood these days.. m happy:)
Workouts as usual r goin fine… just started yest after a week’s break as I was ill.. felt good… this weekend is gonna be fun as my friends have come down from their trip back home in the states.. so m gonna have a lot of catchin up to do… m actually lookin forward to it.. and of course I gotta watch a weekend movie.. so this Saturday it is “Made of honor”… till next week then, chow n take care… my upcomin article will probably be the review of the movie..