While you were sleeping has been one of my favourite movies since quite some time...its a simple love story between a man(Bill Pullman) and a woman(Sandra Bullock)..the reason i like this movie is coz that v always think we know who we will fall in love with...we have an image of that person in our mind..whether its how he looks or wat he likes etc etc...many a times we watch someone from afar and think, " Oh yes this is the person m gonna love and get married to".. but many times when we get to talk to THAT person we might actually not like him... thats how the story goes in this movie too.. Sandra Bullock works in a train station and she would see this guy(Peter Gallegher) everyday and she thought she was in love with him...as the movie goes on she ends up savin his life at the same train station...thus she gets to spend time with his family and also with Bill Pullman who happens to be the younger brother of Peter Gallagher..the chemistry between Bill Pullman and Sandra Bullock is really sweet..u gotta watch this movie to enjoy it..in the end all i have to say that we plan a lot of things in r lives as to whom we gonna marry, wat job v gonna take...but we might just do the exact opposite..u might never know wat u might like tomorrow..
So true!!! We always think we know what we want, including LOVE, but I guess that too becomes a mystery...Yeah we can NEVER, I repeat can never predict who we will eventually come to love...hahahaha.....cute yet a simple post....I like it that way!!!!
thank u my muzzu... this was one post i enjoyed writin even though i had a sinus headache n was feelin really misreable...that shows that i really love the movie..ha ha
Hey Sister Act (III) LOL...I agree While You WERE sleeping was an eye opener for many dreamers who like to believe in the rosy picture of love, handsome dude etc...but u never know a simpleton may come your way n sweep you of ur feet for GOOD!! ;-) So while u r really conscious of ur choice please so not be rude to some genuine guy...cos u never know u may turn back to run into his arms :-) I HOPE this rings a bell gals :-)
u na smita..u r bent on gettin us married..m not rude to the guys ya..its just that some of them r not worth talkin too..but the nice ones i do always keep in mind..and i am kind to them..
colonile!! I am doing dat for a noble cause...nah, actually just giving you the other side of the coin ya. Its just that like everyone has the right to have an opinion so me too and i like to bring it to your notice!! Thats the least I can do, hoping one day you will see that too, n THANK ME!!! :-) Look u can not like every guy that comes your way, but at the same time you need not be ruthless and break hearts necessarily!! Rite!! Just be happy that u r special enof that somebody liked u :-)
Oh! I see Dr. Phil in making :-)Yeah, I believe that its special enough that somebody finds us adorable.....
actually ya i do agree..the person has to be really nice to like a crazy girl like me...ha ha
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