Well my sis tagged me with these questions..So i thought why not lets just answer them..
4 jobs I’ve had:
1. Front Desk Executive
2. Recruiter in a HR company
3. Administrator in an International School
4. Secretary to the dean of a College.
4 films I could watch again and again:
1. While You Were Sleeping
2. Ice Age
3.Rang De Basanti
4. Dil Chahata Hai
4 places I’ve lived in:
1. Palghat
2. Nasik
3. Pune
4. Well i have stayed only in 3 places till now...
4 TV series I like to watch:
1. Law and Order
2. CSI
3. Everybody Loves Raymond
4. Nigella Feasts
4 places that I’ve been on vacation to:
1. Bangalore, Mysore
2. Goa
3. Udipi( Love the food there)
4. Mangalore
4 websites I visit everyday:
1. My blog(hee hee)
2. Friend's Blog
3. Design University Websites(Part of my job)
4. Google
4+4+4 books I’d love to read again and again:
1. Bible (There is always sumthin new to learn everytime i read it)
2. Harry Potter Series
3. Agatha Christie
4. Attitudes Of atransformed Heart-Martha Peace
4 favorite dishes:
1. Fish Fry
2. Prawns Fry
3. Ice Cream( For me its a dish)
4. Chicken Roulade
4 places where I’d like to be right now:
1. Italy
2. California
3. Sydney
4. London
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
My love for ice cream!!

I scream, U scream, we all scream for Ice Cream..well i know this sounds cliched but still dont we all get excited when we have ice cream...I can have ice cream at any time...and mind u i have had it for break fast too.. My love for ice cream has been there since i was a kid.. we used to have this family tradition where my dad would get ice cream every sunday evenin... we wud all enjoy it together..one annoyin habit that i had as a kid was, i used to eat my ice cream really fast n then make a puppy face and look at my mum...very graciously then she wud give me her remaining ice cream...i tried the same trick wid my sis..but obvious it did not work...well those were the good days...but my love for ice cream has still not gone..even when i had to lose weight i did not stop eating ice cream...the reason m dedicating one post to just ice cream is coz its sooo soooo hot out here..and m hallucinating ice creams...so i thought might as well just write about it...
Friday, April 25, 2008
In a very good mood today...

I dont know wats wrong wid me today..m really really happy...its been after a long time where i have felt so elated.. maybe m in love, maybe i enjoyed my workout today a lot, or maybe m just thankful unto the Lord for giving me new life..for the family, church,my friends..i have had some good memories of the great times i have spent wid my buddies..n m glad too that m gettin to make new friends in the gym (well my sis will know wat m talkin of... hee hee)... i thank the Lord for good days and the bad days in my life...coz thats the only why i will learn important lessons...so all u folks enjoy and have a great weekend...chow...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Kinda zapped right now..
It is one of those days when u have a whole lot of work n after to finish it, u have no clue wats goin on..thats how i feel right now..i just finished checkin 306 pages of official information...well i knw that does not sound like fun but u gotta do wat u gotta do..and m learning to do it joyfully...tomorrow is gonna be another wonderful day as i have to format those 306 pages.. so wish me luck..
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Dance with me!!!

Actually today i really did not have anythin to write.. that cud be becoz its 5:30 pm n i have d last half an hr at work...then suddenly i remembered the first time i danced on stage...now u might think wats so special in that..well atleast for me it is..i grew up wid this mind block that i cannot dance( thanks to a school teacher who told me straight on my face when i was only 12)...but that definitely did not stop me from tryin..i was always shy to dance as a teenager as i was over weight..then just few yrs back we had a fashion show in r gym, where v thought to put up a dance show.. i was already attending the dance class in the gym so it was kinda easy to accept the offer..that experience on stage was exhilarating..i still cant forget that night..we danced as a group n it was in hotel taj blue diamond...and the funniest thing was i wasn't nervous at all...i just had fun on the stage...the lights, the people cheering us and of course the loud music.. all in all it was a wonderful night to remember..and all the credit goes to the very patient choreographer n our dance teacher shirley singh...if it wasn't for her to encourage me i dont think i wud have danced that night.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Aspiring to be a Fitness Professional
I never thought that one day i would say that i wanna be fitness professional..I have worked in the admin section for quite some time now.. but the only place where i see my self really happy is the gym..It have had this strong desire for very long now..will be plannin to do a course in fitness in the coming months... My love for the fitness industry did not exist a couple of years ago..infact i was the kind of girl who hated exercise...i loved my food, my sofa n my TV..yup a proper couch potato..I had to join the gym for health reasons...i started enjoyin my workout so much that i continued gymmin even after i lost the required amount of weight.. now working out has become a part of my life..Like i said in my previous post u never know wat u might end up liking..
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
While you were Sleeping

While you were sleeping has been one of my favourite movies since quite some time...its a simple love story between a man(Bill Pullman) and a woman(Sandra Bullock)..the reason i like this movie is coz that v always think we know who we will fall in love with...we have an image of that person in our mind..whether its how he looks or wat he likes etc etc...many a times we watch someone from afar and think, " Oh yes this is the person m gonna love and get married to".. but many times when we get to talk to THAT person we might actually not like him... thats how the story goes in this movie too.. Sandra Bullock works in a train station and she would see this guy(Peter Gallegher) everyday and she thought she was in love with him...as the movie goes on she ends up savin his life at the same train station...thus she gets to spend time with his family and also with Bill Pullman who happens to be the younger brother of Peter Gallagher..the chemistry between Bill Pullman and Sandra Bullock is really sweet..u gotta watch this movie to enjoy it..in the end all i have to say that we plan a lot of things in r lives as to whom we gonna marry, wat job v gonna take...but we might just do the exact opposite..u might never know wat u might like tomorrow..
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
God Of Wonders
Lord of all creation
Of water earth and sky
Heavens are your tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares your majesty
You are holy, holy
Lord of heaven and earth
Lord of heaven and earth
Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
When I stumble in the darkness
I will call your name by night
Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth
Of water earth and sky
Heavens are your tabernacle
Glory to the Lord on high
God of wonders beyond our galaxy
You are holy, holy
The universe declares your majesty
You are holy, holy
Lord of heaven and earth
Lord of heaven and earth
Early in the morning
I will celebrate the light
When I stumble in the darkness
I will call your name by night
Hallelujah to the Lord of heaven and earth
God's sovereignity
I have always been amazed as to how the Lord works in my life..the people that i come in contact with..the place i work...to know that He is in control of everything...it is just a releiving thought to know that He is the one that leads my life...for me working in the my current job has been a struggle for some time now...but to know n be content that this is the place the Lord wants me to be...everyday i am challenged to live a godly life...i get to interact wid the students and today i got to even share the gospel with some one...something what i have been learning is to to submit to God's will...I know i dont have a flashy job...or a great salary like my friends do...but m happy here and m learning to be content and to accept watever the Lord gives me and to thank Him for that..I am glad that he is sovereign over my life...
Monday, April 7, 2008
Monday Blues

Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The joy of babysitting!!!

Something wat i've always enjoyed doin is babysitting...I've always loved children and have had fun takin care of them...now i miss doin it as m workin the whole day thru..One of the privilages of being in KBC (my church) is that there r a lot of children and babies...when i was searching for a job(which took me six months) i had a lot of opportunity to help the young mothers in our church...i really had a good time... just spending time wid the kids...the stuff that they r tryin to explain to u which seems to be perfectly simple to them, but really complex to me when i have to figure out wat exactly they r sayin (in their babytalk)... babysittin is not always fun...one fear that i have gotten over is that of changin diapers..and oooh have I changed some stinky ones..its givin me good practice though... but the best part of it is that u develop a wonderful relationship with the kids...and even if its a 8 month old baby, they remember u..and thats the part i love...if there wud have been a course in India I surely wud have been a Nanny by now...
Attitudes of a transformed heart.

I have been reading this book, "Attitudes Of a Transformed Heart" for quite some time now...and it has been really convicting as to how i need to live a life as a Christian..and its keeping in mind the minute details..many a times we take sin very lightly as say "Oh thats just a a habit of mine" not realising that it cud be a sinful attitude...I have to keep a constant check on my heart so that i dont drift away from wat the Bible says.. and i realised that it is a continuous process..whether u are at work or home or even wid friends.. for that i need to be soaked in God's word and should apply it practically in my life.. even as i was reading it this morning i realised that we are living in this wicked world and the only thing that can protect from the lies that this world beleives is the Bible...
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